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Q: Who explored the Mississippi river in the late 1600?
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While looking for the Northwest Passage, Robert de la Salle explored the Mississippi River and the region around it in the late 1600s. He claimed this land for France. He also explored the Ohio River.

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Why did Robert De La Salle sail?

While looking for the northwest passage,Robert de la sale explored the Mississippi River and the region around it in the late 1,600.He claimed this land for France.He also explored the Ohio River.

What did Robert de la salle discoveries?

Robert de La Salle explored the region of the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River, and the Gulf of Mexico in the late 17th century. His most notable discovery was the mouth of the Mississippi River, which he claimed for France by naming it Louisiana in honor of King Louis XIV. His exploration contributed greatly to French territorial claims in North America.

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Spain owned the mouth of of the Mississippi river.

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Henry Stanley

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Henry Stanley

Why was Spain able to restrict Americans shipping on the lower Mississippi river during the late 1700s?

Spain owned the mouth of the Mississippi River.

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Massachusettes didn't exist is the late 1600's.

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Rene Robert Cavalier Sieur de La Salle was a famous French explorer in the late 1600s. He journeyed to the Great Lakes region of America, as well as the Mississippi River. He claimed part of these territories for France.

Did Marco Polo discover the northwest passage?

Marco Polo was an Italian explorer who circumnavigated the globe in the late 1200s. He did not discover the Mississippi River. Rather, the Mississippi River was discovered by the Spaniards in 1541, even though many Native peoples lived along the river at that time.

What river begins north of 45 degrees north latitude and ends south of 30 degrees north latitude?

Mississippi River. *Sorry if this is a late answer T-T.