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Q: Who did president Jefferson choose to lead expedition to the pacific ocean?
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Who did Jefferson choose to lead the expedition to the pacific ocean?

lewis and clark ok ok +

Who did Thomas Jefferson choose to lead the Lewis and Clark expedition?


Who did the confederate states of America choose as their president?

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Who did president Jefferson choose to head the expedition?

Payeng Xiong and Tara Ward. Who was part of the Shoshone Indians . The chief was Dormeca Barksdale. He was one of the manliest chiefs ever.

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What did president George Washington choose thomas Jefferson to do?

Establish ties with leading world powers.

What broke the tie in the election of 1800?

According to the Constitution, the House of Representatives had to choose between Burr and Jefferson. The federalists, however, still controlled the House of representatives. It was true that the Democratic-Republicans wanted Jefferson as their president. Even so, the Federalists would decide the winner. Members of the House of Representatives voted 36 time before finally electing Jefferson as President. Burr became vice-president.

Who did Washington choose as a postmaster general?

Thomas Jefferson

What did President Thomas Jefferson call the group of people who went on the Lewis and clark expedition of the new land purchased?

Thomas Jefferson did not name the group himself. He commissioned only Capt. Meriwether Lewis (his Secretary of State) to explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory. Before Lewis met up with Clark, he began the expedition on August 30, 1803 in Pittsburgh PA. Lt. William Clark would offer to join Lewis on the expedition weeks later on October 13, 1803 at Camp Dubois (in present-day Indiana). Being that Lewis had been given full authority as leader of the expedition, he had been the one to choose Clark to join the team. Only then did they then named their team the "Corps of Discovery." From there, they sailed down the Ohio River towards St. Louis.

Who did Washington choose to lead the the state department?

novanet- Thomas Jefferson

Who chose Thomas Jefferson to be the president in 1800?

The election of 1800 resulted in a tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. The constitution stated that the house of representatives were to elect the president if there was ever to be a tie. while the federalist party put all the support behind Burr the over all win came from Alexander Hamilton using his influential role in congress to persuade the house of representatives to choose Thomas Jefferson.

Who did the Republican's choose as their candidate 1860?

Jefferson Davis