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It wasn't king Khufu who built the pyramid it was an army of 10,000 to 20,000 slaves who built it for king Khufu. They toiled in the hot Egyptian sun for 20 years. It was likely that the slaves were naked.

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6y ago
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11y ago

It is suggested that thousands of slaves were forced under daily hard labour to work until the task was completed. It was considered that only by the unpaid labour provided by these slaves was it possible to build this great monolith. Slaves were expendable and once they were used up more were thrown into the work. It is impossible for most of us to imagine the daily suffering of these poor wretches. For a start you were given no clothes. Consider what it must have been like working long hours naked in the blazing sun under cruel overseers who beat you if you did not work hard enough. As for food nothing more than rough bread and onions received perhaps twice a day.

However despite common belief this is a incorrect interpretation of who built the pyramids of Giza.

The pyramids were not built by slave workers but by skilled craftsmen. It was a common law in those times that one month of a workers year was devoted to the pharaoh / government. You were given two choices when it came to this month in the year pay a tax to not participate or work for the government over a month unpaid. The rich were the only ones who could afford to pay leaving the craftsmen to work for the government over this period of time. These laborers were given task like improvement of public buildings and the construction of tombs and pyramids. The pyramids were not built buy slaves this is a common misconception due to the fact that the workers where not payed and ever since has been embellished by the media to look as if their working conditions became harsh and inhumane.

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11y ago

The fourth dynasty Pharaoh Khafre (Greek name Chephren) who reigned 2558-32 BC

He did not do any actual work he left that to his overseer of public works, architects, scribes (the Pharaoh's project managers), craft workers (the most important being the highly skilled masons), soldiers and thousands of naked slaves.

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14y ago

Thousands of slaves


Actually, current thought among Egyptologists is that the number of slaves used in building the pyramids was rather limited, instead they were built by free men on their own as a form of reverence and loyalty to the Pharoh. The idea that the pyramids were built by slave labor was advanced hundreds of years ago when men of that time figured that no such large monuments could be built except with the use of slaves and forced labor.

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12y ago

Built by slaves from c.2589BC to 2510BC as tombs of three fourth Dynasty Pharaohs:

Khufu the Great Pyramid the first and largest of the three and greatest to be built at 480ft

Khafre the Second Pyramid at 435ft looks taller because it was built at a higher elevation.

Menkaure the smallest at 215ft

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10y ago

The Great Pyramid of Giza is believed to have been commissioned by the Pharaoh Khufu. His minister Hemon may have designed it.

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15y ago

The ancient egyptians.

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the egyptians

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Are the Giza pyramids still in the same location that it was built in Why or why not?

Yes, the pryamids of Giza are still in the same place 'lo these thoudands of years. Why? Because they are too damn big and heavy to move anywhere else. Besides, nobody who has enough money to pay the laborers to move those pryamids would waste their money even trying to relocate them. And the Egyptian government might get a bit upset about the whole concept. Do you have ANY idea how large those pryamids in Giza really are? Hint: BIG !