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The Great Artesian Basin in Australia is the deepest, extending as deep as 3000 m in some areas =D

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Q: Which zone of an aquifer is deepest?
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What is the Edwards aquifer recharge zone?

The Edwards Aquifer recharge zone is the area where water seeps into the Edwards Aquifer, a large underground limestone formation, replenishing its water levels. This zone is crucial for maintaining the aquifer's water supply and supporting ecosystems dependent on it.

Is the aquifer and the zone of saturation the same thing?

No, the aquifer is a body of permeable rock or sediment that can store and transmit groundwater, while the zone of saturation is the area underground where all of the pores in the rock and sediment are filled with water. The zone of saturation is part of the aquifer where groundwater is present.

What is the deepest oceans zone?

hadalpelagic zone

A zone of saturation that is used by inhabitants as a water supply is called?

An aquifer is a zone of saturation that is used by inhabitants as a water supply. An aquifer is a body of saturated rock through which water can easily move through.

What are the four zones of the oceans?

They would be the... *Benthic Zone (deepest) *Oceanic Zone (2nd deepest) *Neritic Zone (2nd most shallow) *Interidal Zone (most shallow)

An aquifer is water stored in the .?

ground zone of saturation

Where is the recharge zone for the Ozark plateau aquifer?

The main recharge zone is mizzoula lake in kansas. It contains some what contaminated water that seeps in to the Ozark Aquifer. Your Welcome.

What is the aquifer zone that lies between the water table and the surface called?

aeration zone

Recharge zone in a sentence?

Recharge zone is earths surface from which water percolates down into an aquifer.

What is the upper layer of an aquifer?

The upper layer of an aquifer is called the unsaturated zone or vadose zone. This zone is located above the water table where the pore spaces are filled with both air and water. It acts as a buffer between the surface and the saturated zone below.

Define the following saturation zone unsaturated zone aquifer recharge surface water discharge and remediation?

Its when a Aquifer recharges bc the surface has to much water realeasing the discharge of water.

What zone is ground water in?

The zone where ground water is found is called the aquifer or it can be the ground water zone depending on what your thinking of.