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Alluvial soil is found in these regions.

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Q: Which type of soil is found in the river deltas of the eastern coast?
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What type of soil is found in the river deltas of the eastern coasts?

red & yellow soil

What are the names of the two river deltas found in South America?

what are the names of the two river deltas found in south america

Which rivers have deltas?

The most famous of river deltas is the delta formed by the Mississippi River. The delta forms just off the coast of New Orleans, the major city the river flows past on its way to the Gulf of Mexico.

What land forms were typically found at the mouth of a river?

Deltas are found at the mouth of rivers

Which continents are the deltas in?

Deltas can be found on all continents, as they form at the mouth of rivers where sediment is deposited as the river flows into a larger body of water, such as an ocean or sea. Examples of well-known deltas include the Mississippi River Delta in North America and the Nile Delta in Africa.

What are the physical features of Andhra Pradesh?

Eastern Andhra Pradesh is a coastal plain. It contains the deltas of the Krishna River and the Godavali river; it also contains mountains and forests.

What are deltas examples of?

There are many types of deltas: River-dominated deltas - Mississippi. Wave-dominated deltas - Nile. Tide-dominated deltas - Ganges.

Where do river deltas usually form?

At the mouth of a river.

What is an example of an estuarine delta?

Deltas are formed at the old stage of the river that is at the mouth of the river. Deposition is the main activity. The largest delta in the world is Ganga-Brahmaputra Delta.

What are two land-forms form by river deposition?

River deposition creates landforms such as alluvial and deltas.

Where is one of the river deltas located?

There is a delta on the Mississippi River.

What is the origin of delta?

Deltas are formed by a major river distributing into a tideless sea. That is a sea with a small tidal range such as the Mediterranean or the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi & the Nile are good examples of Deltas. Therefore the source of a Delta is the point of distrubution from the main river flow to the coast.