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temperature,salinity,and density

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Q: Which three factors are most important in determining the composition of ocean water?
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What is the most important factors in determining climate?

The most important factors in determining climate are latitude, topography, proximity to water bodies, prevailing wind patterns, and ocean currents. These factors influence temperature, precipitation, and other climatic conditions in a region.

What two important properties of the ocean make it an important factor in determining climate?

global winds and density

What factors play a large role in determining climate?

Global winds, insolation, large bodies of water and ocean currents.

How would you describe the composition of the ocean?

Regarding the composition of ocean water, I would describe it as a homogeneous mixture, or solution.

What is the definition of ocean composition?


How does the ocean get its chemical composition?

from minerals in rivers and lakes running into the ocean

What is the composition of the Atlantic Ocean?

I think it is the pacific

Abiotic factors of a dolphin?

Abiotic factors that can affect dolphins include water temperature, salinity, oxygen levels, and ocean currents. These factors play a crucial role in determining the distribution and behavior of dolphins in their marine environment. Changes in these abiotic factors can impact the health and survival of dolphin populations.

What is the radiation of the ocean?

The radiation of the ocean refers to the absorption and reflection of sunlight by the water. The amount of radiation that penetrates the ocean's surface depends on factors like water depth, clarity, and angle of sunlight. This radiation is important for photosynthesis and warming the ocean.

How can the composition of of the ocean floor be determined?

Ocean topography has been determined through sonar detection.

What is ocean chemistry?

It is a branch of chemistry which studying chemical processes and chemical composition of ocean waters.

Where do most rocks have a basaltic composition?

Most rocks with a basaltic composition are typically found in oceanic crust, such as the ocean floors and mid-ocean ridges. Basaltic rocks are also common in volcanic regions like Hawaii and Iceland.