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Which rivers?

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Q: Which rivers do not flow into Arabian sea?
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Where do some Himalayan rivers flow into?

All the Himalayan rivers flow through Indus and Ganga basin. They flow into the seas. They meet Arabian Sea in West and Bay of Bengal in east.

Name the major rivers that empty into Arabian sea?

narmada and tapti rivers empty into Arabian sea ( gulf of khambhat )chitrang

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The Arabian Sea

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Arabian sea

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Some rivers in India that flow into the Bay of Bengal are the Brahmaputra, the Gomti, the Yamuna, and the Ganges. Indian rivers flowing into the Arabian Sea include the Kali, the Netravati, and the Sharavathi.

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There is a few differences in the East flow and the West flow of the river in the Peninsular Plateau. The East flowing rivers drains into bay of Bengal and the West drains into Arabian sea.

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Three rivers that flow into the North Sea are the Thames, the Humber, and the Rhine.

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bay of Bengal or Arabian sea

Where does the indus ganges and brahmaputra rivers empty into the sea?

Into the Arabian See in Pakistan first forming a delta that covers an area of about 41,440 km² (16,000 square miles), and is approximately 210 km across where it meets the sea.

Which of China's three main rivers goes into the Arabian sea?

there is none.

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Into what body of river does the Indus river flow?

The Arabian Sea