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The Ganges River ranks as the largest sediment river discharge in the world due to the elevation of the Himalayas from which it drains from. Ongoing glaciation of the region paired with the elevation work together to produce huge amounts of sediment.

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Q: Which river has the worlds largest discharge of sediment?
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The worlds largest river in terms of discharge is what?

The Amazon River.

What river has the world largest discharge of sediment?

Ganges, though there are others close, such as the Amazon.

What state is the worlds largest river in?

The worlds longest river, the Nile, is in Africa

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The correct answer is the Amazon. This river has a discharge of 210,000 CMS. The second largest riven the the world in terms of discharge is the Zaire, at 40,000 CMS.The Nile is actually 25th largest river in the world, in terms of discharge, with a discharge flow of 5,000 CMS. Remember that the Nile runs through vast amounts of desert.It's common knowledge that the Nile is the longest river in the world, but it is absolutely not the largest in terms of flow.

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The world's fourth largest river is actually the Mississippi River. The river that is known for having large amount of yellow silt deposits along its course is the Yellow River, located in China. It is the world's sixth-largest river.

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the nile river

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What is the longer and larges river in china?

The longest river in China is the Yangtze River, stretching approximately 3,915 miles (6,300 km). The largest river in terms of discharge is the Yellow River, also known as the Huang He, which carries more sediment than any other river in the world.