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Blue ridge Mountain

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Q: Which mountain lies just east of the shenandoah valley?
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Are there mountains or hills in California Central Valley?

The California Central Valley is primarily known for its flat, agricultural landscape. It does not have significant mountain ranges or hills within the valley itself, although the Sierra Nevada mountain range is located to the east and the Coast Ranges to the west of the valley.

A mountain 100 feet below sea level is near a valley 700 feet below sea level How many feet higher is the mountain then the valley?

600 feet if the mountain is already below sea level and so is the valley then just subtract the difference

Is Colorado a valley state?

Colorado is mostly just a mountain state but there must have been vallies, so no. Colorado is not a valley state.

Where can you find valley wind works in Pokemon pearl?

Right there The Valley Windworks is located just east of Floaroma Town.

Why was the Shenandoah Valley so important to the Confederacy?

Virginia's Shenandoah Valley was important because of its fertile farms and strategic importance. The productive farmland of the Shenandoah Valley made it "The Breadbasket of the Confederacy," until those farmlands were largely laid waste during The Burning by Union forces under Gen. Philip Sheridan in fall 1864. And the geography of the Valley - running northeast into the heart of the Union - made it a natural route of invasion into the north; Robert E. Lee used the Valley during both the 1862 Antietam and 1863 Gettysburg campaigns, as did Jubal Early when he advanced to the gates of Washington in 1864. Additionally, Confederate military successes in the Valley pulled Union troops away from Federal attempts to capture Richmond, with Stonewall Jackson's 1862 Valley Campaign being the greatest example. And Staunton, near the southern end of the Valley, was a vital supply depot and railroad hub for the Confederacy. The fall of Staunton would sever Richmond's railroad link to the west. Stonewall Jackson wrote that "If this Valley is lost, Virginia is lost," and events proved him right. Once the Union established permanent control of the Valley in late 1864, Lee's surrender at Appomattox followed just months later.

Name 5 venues where events at the 2010 Games?

Vancouver and Richmond. Callaghan Valley (just west of Whistler). Whistler Mountain (Creekside). Blackcomb Mountain. Cypress Mountain

What are the physical featues of the valley and ridge?

Good question, some physical features such as pigeon mountain, lookout mountain, and Grand valley should lie in the same category. Just search on google AY BAY BAY

If it's PM mountain time what time is it on the east coast?

There's no way to tell from just PM. The time on the east coast is two hours later than mountain time

Does nova scotia have mounation?

North Mountain and South Mountain make up the walls of the Annapolis Valley which stretches from just north of Digby to almost Windsor.

Does Death Valley have a volcano in it?

Yes, Death Valley does not have a volcano in it. It is a desert valley located in Eastern California, surrounded by mountain ranges, but there are no active volcanoes in the immediate vicinity.

What mountain range is shown just east of Seattle?

The Cascade Range is located just east of Seattle, Washington. This mountain range runs from British Columbia in Canada down to California, and includes famous peaks like Mount Rainier and Mount Baker.

For skiing the snow valley barrie and blue mountain which is better?

I went to both of them I found that Blue Mountain was kind of harder just saying that was my second time skiing and if you see the map its kind of all straight down hill so I liked Snow Valley you talking about the Snow Valley in Barrie too right