The Statue of Liberty holds the tablet in her left hand. She holds a torch high above her head with her right hand.
in her left hand
She holds the torch in her right hand, so I guess, her left!
Yes, she holds a tablet in her left hand. The tablet has the date July 4th, 1776 emblazoned on it, a very important date for Americans.
Right Hand - Torch, Left Hand - Tablet
The Statue of Liberty doesn't hold a book; it's a tablet, bearing the date (in roman numerals) of 1776, intended to represent the date of the Declaration of Independence.
She holds the torch in her right hand. In her left hand, Lady Liberty holds a tablet inscribed with the date "July 4, 1776," commemorating the date the Declaration of Independence was signed and America was founded.
The statue of Liberty holds high a torch
Because her left hand is busy holding a tabula ansata.
she holds the book she holds the book
The Statue of Liberty does nothing more than stand on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. However, the image of Liberty, and the inscription on the tablet she holds is used as a symbol of the United States of America and the sense of altruism we like to believe we have as a nation. The symbols we hold up of our nation to the rest of the world is part of what pulls us together as a nation.
torch :]