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Q: Which explorer gave the Pacific Ocean its name?
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Who gave the pacific ocean it's name?


How did the name for the Pacific Ocean originate?

The Pacific Ocean from the Latin name Mare Pacificum, "peaceful sea", bestowed upon it by the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan.

Who gave the Pacific Ocean it and name?

The ocean's current name was given by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan during the Spanish circumnavigation of the world in 1521. He called it Mar Pacifico, which in both Portuguese and Spanish means "peaceful sea".

Did Magellan really name the Pacific oceon the Pacific?

Magellan did not coin the name "Pacific Ocean." The ocean was named by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan during his voyage in 1520 due to its calm and tranquil waters. The name "Pacific" comes from the Latin word "pacificus," meaning peaceful.

Name the lagest ocean in the world?

Pacific Ocean.

Who explored the land that connects Americas and became the first European explorer to reach the Pacific Ocean?

The explorer's name was Vasco Núñez de Balboa. He was the first person to reach and see the Pacific Ocean in 1513. Many believe he was the one who named it, but he did not. It was an explorer after him in 1520, named Ferdinand Magellan.

What country did balboa name the pacific ocean for?

the name given to pacific ocean by balboa is the prizzano the answer in top is wrong its south you can figure the rest pleaseBalboa named it Mar del Sur (South Sea). Magellan renamed it Pacific Ocean.

What is are facts about Ferdinand Magellan?

well people say that he gave the pacific ocean its name by the calm waters!

Which explorer discovered a strait to the Pacific Ocean that bears his name?

Located at the southern tip of Argentina are the Straits of Magellan. Named after the Portuguese explorer who attempted to circumnavigate the earth. He had to travel that far south in order to get to the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic Ocean. While Magellan died in the Philippines, his remaining crew did make it back to Portugal.

Did Balboa or Magellan name the Pacific Ocean?

Magellan name d the Pacific Ocean.

What is the name of the ocean off the west coast of the US?

The Pacific Ocean The Pacific Ocean

What is the name of the Nearest ocean to Canada?

The Ocean to The West Side of Canada is the Pacific Ocean