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Q: Which country is located on the mountainous coast of the adriatic sea nad has many islands that are major tourist atrreas?
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As an Island country because we have about 3000 islands.

What country is made up of a narrow peninsula and 406 islands?

Croatia is the country made up of a narrow peninsula and 406 islands, located in Southeast Europe along the Adriatic Sea.

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What two islands did the Romans control?

Mediterranean sea , Adriatic sea

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Japan is an archipelago, meaning it is a group of islands located in the Pacific Ocean. The country consists of four main islands: Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Shikoku. Additionally, Japan is known for its mountainous terrain, including numerous active volcanoes.

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The Philippines has many islands due to its location along tectonic plate boundaries, leading to volcanic activity and the formation of numerous islands. The country's irregular coastline and mountainous terrain also contribute to the vast number of islands.

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Adriatic sea and coast with a lot of islands.

Which mountainous country on the Balkan peninsula was historically divided into many city states and hundreds of islands?

I would say it would be Greece.

What island nation in east Asia is 75 percent mountainous?

Japan is the island nation in East Asia that is 75 percent mountainous. The country has a rugged terrain that consists of a chain of mountains running through the main islands. The Japanese Alps are a famous mountain range in the country.

What are the East Adriatic countries?

The countries on the eastern side of the Adriatic are Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania. As we reach Greece, the Adriatic turns into the Ionian sea which has a number of Greek islands in it including Corfu and Kefalonia.

What is the definition of mountainous island?

A mountainous island is an island that is mainly mountains. Many islands are actually the tops of marine mountains sticking out of the sea.

What are the physical features of Fiji islands?

Mostly mountainous ranges, also low lying land