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Q: Which country bought the shares in 1875 for Suez canal to pay of the debts?
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In 1875 Egypt sold its shares of the Suez Canal to pay off debts. Which country bought the shares?


How many shares does Motorola have outstanding?

check a shares website it could tell you company profits, shares and debts!

After building the Suez Canal what happened to Egypt?

they could not pay their debts and had to sell the Seuz Canal.

Who found Suez canal?

Egypt originally owned the Suez Canal and sold it to great Britain to pay off debts

How do you reduce the development gap of the country?

Ledc's pay the debts you owe to the richer Medc's or Medc's let the Ledc's off with the debts so the countries can help their country and stop thinking about the debts!

If shares in a company are left to you as a beneficiary under a will can they be transferred to your name?

Certainly, provided they don't have to be sold to pay debts.

Why does a corpoation sell shares of its business?

Generally speaking, a corporation will sell shares of its business to raise capital. The new funds can be used to pay debts or invest in research and development of new products These are just some of the many examples for selling shares to the public.

Are cemetery plots considered property that can be sold to pay for outstanding debts of a deceased parent?

yes cemetery plots are considered property and can be bought and sold to pay debts

Is a new business owner responsible for the original owner owner's debt?

Not normally, unless the new owner has also 'bought' the previous owner's debts. However, if we are dealing with share ownership, the shareholder become the 'owner'. Shareholders are not responsible for the debts of the companies they have bought share in.

If a shareholder dies without a will are the shares automatically passed to his children?

No. The shares become a part of the estate. They may have to be sold in order to settle the debts of the estate. If they are still a part of the estate when it comes time to distribute them, they can be transferred to the children.

Why is it important for countries to show they can pay off their debts?

No country should be financially reliant on another. It shows a weakness and inability for a country to control its own finances. It also places undue burdens on its citizens - who pay for their country's debts by higher taxation.

Which region of the country did not support the idea of the national government paying of debts?
