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Q: Where were most of the towns along desert trade routes located?
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they were located along trading routes because that way they could sell more stuff

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There is no desert located in a Nevada. However, there are a number of towns and cities located in the deserts of Nevada. Las Vegas is located in the Mojave Desert and Reno in the Great Basin Desert.

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they were located in Greece and rome because they could inhance their trade routes

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The Sahara Desert covers a huge area - almost the top 1/3rd of the African continent. There are a number of villages, towns and even cities located within the desert, but in most cases along the periphery

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There are schools in the few cities and towns located in the Atacama Desert.

What were towns in medieval Europe often located and why?

they were located in Greece and rome because they could inhance their trade routes

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Mecca, I know because I'm learning it in history

What are desert jobs?

Millions of people live in cities and towns in deserts around the world and they have a variety of occupations, much the same as cities not located in deserts.

Which city is located in the Sonoran Desert?

Tucson and Phoenix in Arizona are in the Sornoran Desert as well as Hermosillo and Guaymas in Mexico. There are also a number of smaller towns.

In what city is the Atacama Desert located?

The Atacama is not located in any single city. However, there are a number of towns located in the Atacama. This desert is located in northern Chile, southern Peru and parts of Bolivia and Argentina. Some important towns found in the Atacama include Antofogasta, Arica, Iquique, Tacna, San Pedro de Atacama, etc.

How did the geography of the Arabian Peninsula affect the trade settlement?

Trade with neighboring people *supported the growth of towns* along trade routes. Hint=The * means the answer.

What towns are located along the yellow river and the Yangtze river?

cause they close together