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In the north India Bihar

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Q: Where is the magadha situated?
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Where was Magadha situated?

Magadha was situated in present-day northern India, primarily in the eastern state of Bihar. It was an important kingdom during ancient and medieval times and was known for its wealth and political power. Magadha was the birthplace of several influential Indian religions and played a significant role in the development of Indian history and culture.

Is Magadha empire a witness to the rise and fall of several empires?

Several reasons account for the rise and growth of the Magadhan Empire, in the first place the emperors who ascended the throne of Magadha from the time of Bimbisara were mostly conquerors. This policy of conquest continued till the time of the Kalinga war under Asoka's regime. Secondly, many emperors of Magadha extended the empire not merely by conquest. They acquired territories by matrimonial alliances. For example, Bimbisara, his son Ajatasatru and others obtained territories through matrimonial relationship. This was one of the important factors that led to the expansion of Magadha. Thirdly, Magadha had other advantages too. Geographically, it was located in a position where their had been richest iron deposits. With the help of iron Magadha could produce weapons for war. Also iron implements were helpfii) to increase agricultural products. Fourthly, the capital of Magadha, first at Rajgir and then shifted to Pataliputra were both situated at very strategic points. It was difficult for the invaders to do any harm to the Magadha and its capital Fifthly, the military organization of Magadha was also very strong. The largescale use of elephants was helpful in storming fortresses. Sixthly, it has been pointed out by Professor R.S.Shanna that the unorthodox character of the Magadhan society showed much enthusiasm for expansion. These are the reasons why Magadha was successful in building up an empire. Brihadratha has been referred to in the Mahabharata as the founder of the kingdom of Magadha. But historically Bimbisara is known to be the first important king of Magadha.

Where magadha located?

Magadha was an ancient kingdom of India, situated in what is now west-central Bihar state, in northeastern India along the valley of the Ganges River. Its Nanda Dynasty (c. 420 to 320 BC) spread across northen India and led to the Maurya Empire, which covered most of modern-day India, Pakistan, and part of Persia by 300 BC.

How long did the Kingdom of Magadha last?

The Kingdom of Magadha lasted for about 179 years, from 500 BC to 321 BC.

Who founded the Magadha Empire?


Who is founder of magadha?

Haryanka Dynasty

What is king of magadha?

Goehtonyo Meliky

How did the government in magadha functioned?


Who were the immediate successors of Mauryas in Magadha?


Who is the son of Bimbisara?

The king of Magadha.

Describe the relationship between the Persian invasion and the rise of the Magadha Kingdom?

If there wasnt an invasion then asoka wouldn't had died and the Magadha kingom wouldn't had rised.

Where was aryabhatta born?

Aryabhata was born in in Patliputra in Magadha.