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in the throat, it goes from the back of the mouth to the stomach

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Q: Where is the esphogus located?
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What is the esphogus's purpose?

It stops food & drink going into the lungs

How do you use esphogus in a sentence?

Acid reflux messes up the lining in your esophagus.

What exactly is a reflux diet?

It is when acid builds up in your esphogus and can also be caused by your stomach not empting correctly or slowly then normal.

What is an esphogus?

You mean esophagus right? The esophagus is basically the long, muscular tube that takes the food you eat into your stomach. On average, it is about 25-30 cm long, but varies due to height. It only opens when you are eating or vomiting. If it is opened any other way, you probably WILL vomit.

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What Pokémon swarm in Pokémon Diamond?

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