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Brahmani River

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Q: Where is the Rourkela Steel PLant was builit on the banks of the river?
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What plant is named after Sir Joseph Banks?

The genus Banksia was named after Sir Joseph Banks.

In seed banks which came first seed banks under mountains or seed banks in giant freezers?

Seed banks in giant freezers came first. The first seed banks were established in the 20th century to preserve plant genetic diversity. The concept of seed banks under mountains, like the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, came later as a backup measure to protect seeds from natural disasters and global crises.

Where in the desert is there plant life and a water resource?

Oasis or on the banks of a river.

Where is the papyrus plant grown?

It is a reed that grows on the banks of River Nile

Who was the 'man of steel' in Russia?

Joseph Stalin was the man of steel. The name Stalin is taken from the Russian "stal" for steel. Stalin can also be called the "man of steal" because he financed many Bolshevik activities by robbing banks.

Will growth in plant change if frozen then planted?

No plant will grow if frozen although seeds can be held in seed banks until required.

What plants are found at the banks of the Ganges river?

combrainan shurb gongath plant cokinspaniel they also live in the river

In Which state narora nuclear power plant is located?

Narora Nuclear Power Plant is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is situated in the Bulandshahr district along the banks of the Ganges River.

Where does a periwinkle plant grow?

The common periwinkle plant grows well in partial shade as a ground cover. It is also known as creeping vinca and the plant can cover large spaces on steep banks and hillsides, and should not be planed near other plants.

What is a seed vault?

A seed vault is built to to save a part of plant life. They back up seed banks to save plants.

What do most rivers have?

Water, banks, wildlife including fish etc, plant life and damage done by man.

What has the author Virginia D Nazarea written?

Virginia D. Nazarea has written: 'Cultural Memory And Biodiversity' -- subject(s): Collection and preservation, Ethnobiology, Gene banks, plant, Germplasm resources, Plant, Human ecology, Plant Germplasm resources, Traditional farming