The web address of the National Imperial Glass Museum is:
The phone number of the National Imperial Glass Museum is: 740-671-3971.
The address of the Strake Jesuit Art Museum is: 8900 Bellaire Blvd, Houston, TX 77036-4610
The address of the Imperial Valley Pioneers Museum is: Po Box 224, Imperial, CA 92251-0224
Try the Imperial War Museum. Or any war related museum.
The address of the Imperial Calcasieu Museum is: 204 West Sallier Street I, Lake Charles, LA 70601-5844
The National Museum of American History is located at the intersection of 14th St and Constitution Ave, NW.
The Rijks Museum is located in Amsterdam, North Holland in the Netherlands. The museum is located in the Museum Square in Amsterdam South. It is a Dutch national museum displaying the arts and history of Amsterdam.
The address of the National History Museum is: Const Ave, Washington, DC 20001
Southbend, Indiana
Canberra, Australia.