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The Inca Trail is in modern day Peru leading from near Cuzco up the mountain side to Machu Picchu. If you are to do the trek most companies will meet in Cuzco itself.

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Q: Where is the Inca trail?
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Related questions

Which tour operators offer packages to the Inca Trail?

Tour operators which offer packages to the Inca Trail include Custom Inca Trail Tours, PeruVacations, Travel Inca Trail, G Adventures, and TripAdvisor.

Where is the Inca trail located?

The Inca trail is located in Peru, in the Andeans. It leads to Machu Picchu. Walking the Inca trail can be very rewarding and is possible for all ages as long as you are fit.

How big is the Inca trail and where is it?

The Inca trail is an old Inca civilization trail. It is a 27 to 35 mile trail that treks from Cuzco, Peru to Machu Picchu, Peru. It is a very popular and beautiful way to get to Machu Picchu.

What three smaller trails are part of the Inca Trail?

Three smaller trails that are part of the Inca Trail are trails such as the Salkantay trail, the Lares trail, and the Ancascocha trail. The Inca Trail normally take about 5 days to get across, but the other three trails only take about 4 days.

What is the best Inca trail Operator in Cusco?

The best Operators: There are many Inca Trail Operators in Cusco, if you need more information about travel in cusco peru, Machu Picchu, Inca trail operators, Inti Raymi, Sacsayhuaman, hoteles and guides you can enter to

What route does the Inca Trail follow?

The Inca Trail has only one route leading the trekker's through high altitude passes and alongside the famous Kusichaca River. At the end of the trail is Machu Picchu, on of the world's most famous trails.

Where can one find cheap deals to travel along the Peru Inca Trail?

Before you book a trip to travel along the Peru Inca Trail the local government requires you to get a permit. Once you secure the permit you can find a travel agent that specializes in trips like this such as Inca Trail Reservations, and Vacation One Express.

How can you find more information about trekking Inca trails?

One can find more information about trekking Inca trails by visiting Edge Adventures, G Adventures, Adventure Company, Sta Travel and Inca Trail Peru websites. Inca trail is an adventure with mysterious and enchanting Lost City of the Incas.

Inca trail in the fastest time?

I was told by our guide on the trail that a local porter ran the trail from the first bridge to machu picchu in 4 hours

How does one get to the Inca trail?

There are many Inca trails in Peru. One may charter a trail guide to assist in navigating to these trails. Guides may also assist in other camping and hiking needs.

How many tourists go to the Inca Trail per year?


How high is the Inca trail?

its onecm long like connors pinas!