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It is at the opposite end of the world : the Arctic Ocean is at the North Pole, and Antarctica is at the South Pole.

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It is located in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Arctic north polar region. It is almost completely surrounded by Eurasia and North America.

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Q: Where is the Arctic Ocean in relation to Antarctica?
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Does Antarctica border the arctic ocean?

No, it borders the atlantic ocean and the indian ocean.

What does Antarctic have and not the Arctic?

Antarctica has a continent surrounded by the Southern Ocean, while the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land masses. Antarctica is a single landmass covered in ice, whereas the Arctic is an ocean covered by sea ice with various land masses surrounding it.

Which of these continents is not on the Arctic Ocean?

The Arctic Ocean does not touch South America, Antarctica, Africa, or Australia.

Which continent is surrounded by the Antarctic Ocean?

Arctic Ocean

Which continents are not on the Arctic Ocean?

Africa, Antarctica, Australia and South America are nowhere near the Arctic ocean.

Where is antanctic ocean?

I think you mean the Arctic ocean....Antarctica is near the north pole but it is a continent surrounded by the Arctic ocean...

Which continent has more land the Arctic or Antarctica?

Antarctica has more land than the Arctic. Antarctica is a continent surrounded by the Antarctic Circle, while the Arctic is a region surrounded by the Arctic Circle and consists of mainly ice-covered ocean with some landmasses.

What makes the Arctic different from Antarctica?

Polar bears come to mind (the word "arctic" comes from the Greek for land of the bear), but probably the biggest thing is an ocean; Antarctica is a continental land mass but the Arctic is an ocean.

Why is the climate in the Antarctic is so much colder than in the Arctic?

The continent of Antarctica is in the Antarctic, storing 90% of the earth's store of ice. It is about 30 degrees F colder in Antarctica than in the open water of the Arctic ocean. Antarctica is a continent surrounded by the Southern Ocean. The Arctic is open water -- the Arctic ocean -- surrounded by land.

How is the Arctic Ocean different from the Antarctic Ocean?

The Arctic ocean is surrounded by land. The Southern Ocean surrounds the continent of Antarctica is about 30 degrees F colder than the Arctic region.

What ocean doesn't border Antarctica?

Only one ocean borders Antarctica, the Southern Ocean. The Indian, Pacific and Atlantic feed into the Southern Ocean. The Arctic ocean is not involved.

Indian ocean touches what four continents?

Only three. Asia, Africa, and Australia. Antarctica is a dispute because some people consider an Antarctic Ocean around Antarctica, like the Arctic Ocean around the Arctic Region