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in the middle of the tree

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Q: Where is phloem found in a tree?
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How do phloem form bark on a tree?

When the phloem is dead it causes bark to form on a tree. A secondary growth in the cortex result in the bark formation a a tree

Is phloem in a plant or in an animal?

Phloem is found in plants.

Where Can A Phloem Cell Be Found?

Phloem cells are part of the plant vascular system and can be found in the phloem tissue, which is responsible for transporting sugars produced in the leaves to other parts of the plant, such as roots, stems, and fruits. They are typically located alongside xylem cells in the vascular bundles of a plant.

What kind of cells do tree trunks have?

tree trunks have xylem and phloem

What is phloem found in?

it is found in plants

Which labels name the parts of the Tree's transport systems?

The two transport systems in a tree are the xylem and phloem. The xylem transports water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant, while the phloem transports sugars produced through photosynthesis to other parts of the tree.

Which term best describs tree bark?

secondary phloem

How do you spell sap like from a tree?

That is the correct spelling of "sap" meaning tree liquid (from the phloem).

Where is the phloem found in plants?

in the plant :)

Name a type of cell or tissue found in a tree bark.?

Phloem cells are found in tree bark. These cells are responsible for transporting sugars and other organic compounds throughout the plant.

What is dead phloem called on a tree?

Dead phloem on a tree is called "inner bark" or "bast." It serves to transport nutrients within the tree but is no longer living tissue once it dies.

What polysaccharides are found in celery?

xylem and phloem