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George Washington represents the birth of the country, Thomas Jefferson the expansion of the nation, Abe Lincoln the preservation of the Union and Theodore Roosevelt represents the development of the country.

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Mount Rushmore is located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. In order, from left to right, they are: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

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George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

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There are only four faces on Mt Rushmore.

They are Washington, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt and Lincoln

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Q: Where is each head on Mount Rushmore located?
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Where is the mountain located with the four president's head carved into?

Mount Rushmore National Memorial is located in the Black Hills of South Dakota, near the town of Keystone, South Dakota.Mount Rushmore is the name of the mountain where the faces of four US presidents are carved.The four US presidents are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.

What is that thing called with the four presidents head on it?

Mount Rushmore.

How big is lincolns head on mt rushmor?

Mount Rushmore National Memorial is in South Dakota. Each President's head is approximately 6 stories high.

Which president's head was first on Mount Rushmore?

George Washington's head was the first one completed and dedicated on Mount Rushmore.

When was the head of George Washington dedicated on Mount Rushmore?

Jully 4, 1934

Who was the third president carved into Mount Rushmore?

Lincoln's head was the third to be completed.

Why wasnt Susan B Anthony's head on Mount Rushmore?

because she wasnt a president

How tall is each sculpture on Mount Rushmore?

1,078 meters or 5,600 feet high.The height of Mount Rushmore is 500 feet high and 400 feet wide . It is 5,700 feet above sea level .

Which president's head is on mount Rushmore and on a US nickel?

Thomas Jefferson is on the US nickel and Mount Rushmore. George Washington is on the quarter and $1 bill, while Abraham Lincoln is on the cent and $5 bill. Teddy Roosevelt is the only president depicted on Mount Rushmore who doesn't appear on a regularly-circulating coin or bill.

Are they going to carve President Obama into Mount Rushmore?

No, the mountain is not solid enough for another head.

Which US presidents are on Mt Rushmore How tall are the sculptures?

Rushmore Facts: * Sculptor Gutzon Borglum began drilling into the 5,725-foot mountain in 1927, at the age of 60. * Creation of the Shrine of Democracy took 14 years and cost a mere $1 million. * Rushmore's granite faces tower 5,500 feet above sea level. * The carvings on Mount Rushmore are scaled to men who would stand 465 feet tall. * Each head on Mt. Rushmore is as tall as a six-story building. * More that 800 million pounds of stone were removed from Mount Rushmore while carving the presidents. * Each president's face is as tall as the entire Great Sphinx of Egypt, measuring 60 feet from the chin to the top of the head. * The president's noses are 20 feet long, each mouth 18 feet wide and the eyes are 11 feet across. * The workers had to climb 506 steps daily to get to the top of Mount Rushmore.