Locks are necessary to lift barges and canal narrow boats up or down through a series of lock gates. The water level at the start of a series of lock gates may be higher or lower than the water level at the other end of the lock gates. Without the retaining effect of lock gates, the canal would simply be dry in some lengths and wet in others.
The Chinese invented the canal lock in the 10th century..
Kirkfield Lift Lock was created in 1907.
Gate is the name given to the lower barrier of a canal lock. A Canal lock is used to lower and raise the water to move boats along a waterway.
a seletion of a waterway.
You have to lift the handle before you lock the door.
A canal Hair Remote car lock (has a lock but no key) airlock
I think that you mean 'lock' and not loch. A lock on a canal or river allows water level to be raised or lowered so that boats can go upstream or downstream.
The sides of a canal lock is made from bricks or concrete.
lock 3PM schedule