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There are several reasons we don't have water. First, we have been in a drought for the last three years. The valley is a cultivated desert and our water source comes from the snow pack in the Sierra Nevada's and it melts into our streams and reservoir's . When there isn't enough snow there isn't enough water. Second, we are controlled with a water district authority that dates back to the early 1900's. In recent years there has been problems with the water on the west side of the valley. Many farmers allowed a runoff from the farms into the the ground water and the water system. This has caused a problem with the water quality and as a result some of the water has been cut off. Next, there is a small fish called a smelt that for several years has been protected by environmental laws and this too has caused problems with the water delivery to farms. Much of our water is also sent to the southern half of the state where the largest population is located and many of the west side farmers have sold their water rights allowing more water to go south. These are the men who now complain they don't have enough water, but they have made a lot of money on the water deals they have made. They are not the ones suffering as a result but the workers who are put out of work because they didn't plant the crops. In some places on the west side unemployment is 50%. Finally, there is the mess in Sacramento not only can't the people up there do a budget but any water deal that is needed is stalled with the political back and forth between the governor and the assembly. It is clear that the "common good" of the people of this state means very little to these men.

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Q: Where does the central valley get most of its water?
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