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Q: Where do muslins go on pilgrimage?
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When do Muslins go to services?

5 times a day

Who might go on a pilgrimage?

Anyone can go on a pilgrimage, it just depends on what their pilgrimage is about.

Do you have to be a christian to go on a pilgrimage?

No you can go on a pilgrimage for any number of reason but mostly it is spiritual in nature

What do Muslins do in a mosque?

they pray

Do Christians go on pilgrimage?

Yes. There are hundreds of places of Christian pilgrimage.

Why would someone want to go on a pilgrimage?

Because of love and faith one is compelled to go on a pilgrimage.

Where do Muslims go on pilgrimage?

To Makkah ; exactly , to Arafat then Mosdalifah then Mina .

Who would go on a pilgrimage nowadays and where might they go?

A follower of Islam may make a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Why do Hindu's go on a pilgrimage?

Hindu's got on Pilgrimage to pay respect to God and the religion

Do Jews go on a pilgrimage?

No, Jews stopped going on pilgrimage with the destruction of the Second Temple.

Do you wear special clothes when you go on a pilgrimage?

No you don't have to wear special clothes on a pilgrimage

Where do the pilgrimage go?

They go to places deemed holy.