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Q: Where did estuaries form?
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Related questions

What is the plural of estuary?

The plural form of estuary is estuaries.

What are the three types of estuaries?

The three types of estuaries are coastal plain estuaries, bar-built estuaries, and tectonic estuaries. Coastal plain estuaries form when sea levels rise, flooding existing river valleys. Bar-built estuaries are separated from the ocean by sandbars or barrier islands. Tectonic estuaries result from land movement, such as faults or folding, creating a depression that fills with water.

What life form are dependent on estuaries?


What is happening to many estuaries?

What is happening to estuaries?

What is the name of the estuary in Ireland?

There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.There are many estuaries in Ireland. The Shannon Estuary is the largest.

What is the productivity of estuaries?

Estuaries are the most productive of all marine ecosystems.

Why do crocodiles stay away from estuaries?

Crocodiles stays from estuaries to protect themselves because whales sometimes swim near estuaries and they eat crocodiles for their food.

How do estuaries contribute to biodiversity in your oceans?

biodiversity encompasses all related thinngs, that include estuaries.

Do whales live in estuaries?

yes. whales like belugas can live in warm water estuaries :D

What services do estuaries and wetlands provide?

One service that estuaries and wetlands provide is a home for animals and plants.

What is at the end of a estuaries?

The sea.

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