sites like and You're question is a little confusing. A biography is a description or narrative of someone's life. A lake will have a history, but not a biography. Are you interested in the history of the lake, or the geology? The history of the lake will include information about the various peoples that have lived along the shores of the lake, while the geology will describe how the lake was formed. To find out about the history of Lake Michigan, you can Google the phrase "history of Lake Michigan", or go to sites like the ones mentioned above or to and do a search on Lake Michigan. You can do the same to find the geology. The Indiana Geological Survey has a lot of information about how the lake was formed at
You can find lake Michigan going through Chicago.
Utah and Michigan
Lake Michigan
Lake Michigan
Wisconsin is not separated by Lake Michigan. Michigan is separated by Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.
Lake Michigan separates lower Michigan from Wisconsin.
Minnesota; Touches Lake superior Wisconsin; Touches Lake superior and lake Michigan Michigan; touches Lake Superior, Lake Michigan , Lake Huron and Lake Erie. Illinois; Touches Lake Michigan. Indiana; Touches Lake Michigan.
Michigan is effectively divided in two by Lake Michigan.
Michigan is the state the is bounded by Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Lake Erie, and Lake Huron. It has two peninsulas.
Lake Michigan is a fresh water lake.
I am looking for the age of Lake Michigan for a presentation. How old is Lake Michigan