because in ancient times, when kings rule their kingdoms, only birds were kept in zoo. so it was called chidiyaghar. Other animals were kept later..
They were not kept in a zoo they were simply kept in cages.
Large numbers of captive birds are typically kept in places such as aviaries, bird sanctuaries, zoos, or wildlife rehabilitation centers. These facilities provide suitable habitats and care for the birds, with the ultimate goal of promoting their well-being and conservation.
Two common names: Bird Aviary or Free Flight Bird Aviary
Yes, koalas are kept at Australia Zoo. See related link.
there are 70,099,980 animals kept in the greenville zoo. wow that's alot!!
Depends on the how and why of their confinement: * an aviary (for a display of birds in a zoo etc.) * a birdcage for pet birds n a home * a cote for doves * a coop or chickens (general) * a battery for laying hens * the poultry section in a meat market
I'd assume plankton that are kept in a zoo
Depends on the how and why of their confinement: * an aviary (for a display of birds in a zoo etc.) * a birdcage for pet birds n a home * a cote for doves * a coop or chickens (general) * a battery for laying hens * the poultry section in a meat market
'Avilon zoo' ? ? - You possibly mean AVIAN Zoo - which would be birds.
mostly parrots but somtimes exotic birds
where is birds kept in? start with the letter a