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castles were important in the middle ages mainly in 1066 and onwards

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in the middle ages

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Q: When were castles important?
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Why are castles important in the medieval times?

for defense

How do castles have something to do with medieval history?

Who is most important in medieval history - kings and emperors. Where do they live - in castles.

Why did castles have stables and why was the care of horses so important - medieval times?

Castles have stables to keep animals and horses were so important because they needed them fr when there was an attack.

Why were castles important?

Castles are important because people who take their time to make a castle deserve the credit.So,they are important because many people wanted to live in them and only rich wealthy people may.

Why were castles so important in the medieval ages?

To protect the king

Where would castles be built?

On important borders or in war zones or important places that need defending.

Do king live in castles?

usally all knights lived in castles but a castle wasnt only a home lots of important duties were done there

Why did castles have a keep?

A keep is a very important part of a medieval castle. It is the castles finial defence from attackers.

How did castles stay the same in the middle ages?

The walls played an important role in all of the castles and were a brilliant way of defending them so they kept them the same in all of the castles although the materials they built them with changed

How are castles important?

Castles were mainly used to protect Kings and people of royalty within the kingdom. They were also a shelter for the villagers, incase an invasion/war was about to take place. Castles hold prisoners and they hold valuable resources for the people. Castles were also a place of entertainment.

During the middle ages why were castles important?

Because of defense and kings also want to be the best Also Castles were important to with stand attack during times of war. And... Because they were DA BOMB MANG!

Why were castles a symbol of the Middle Ages?

Castles have a rather distinctive architecture, and were nearly all built in the Middle Ages. They were also politically and militarily important in the time.