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the Sahara desert was made around 4.6 billion years ago when the earth was created.

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Q: When was the Sahara desert made?
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Did Alexander the great put sand over the Sahara to make it a desert?

No, the Sahara desert was made by the weather in Africa.

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What is the sand made of in the Sahara desert?

Weathered rock

What is the desert inside of the Sahara desert?

The Libiyan Desert is inside the Sahara desert.

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There is no 'Safari Desert.' Were you referring to the Sahara Desert?There is no 'Safari Desert.' Were you referring to the Sahara Desert?

Largest desert in the sahara is in?

Sahara is A desert. ONE desert. It is Not divided into sub-deserts. Sahara is in Africa.

In what continent is the Sahara desert located?

The Sahara desert is located in northern Africa.

The worlds largest desert in the Sahara?

Sahara is A desert. ONE desert. It is Not divided into sub-deserts. Sahara is in Africa.

Is the Sahara desert in Chile?

No the Sahara desert is in Africa.

Is the Sahara desert in north or south America?

No The sahara desert is not in North America The sahara desert is not in South America.

Is the Sahara a desert?

Yes, the Sahara is a desert, the largest hot desert on the planet.

What birds are in the Sahara Desert?

The birds that live in The Sahara Desert are: The Desert Eagles.