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Q: When an entire river emerges from the ground it is called a?
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What does the sourse of the river mean?

The source of a river - is the point at which it emerges as a stream from the water that forms its origin. This is usually run-off from boggy ground, at a higher altitude than sea level.

What is the entire area that is drained by a large river is called a?

river basin

In what river are the Thousand Island?

in the Saint Lawrence River as it emerges from the northeast corner of Lake Ontario.

Describe the entire course of the bramaputra river with reference to landform heights and countries?

The course of the Brahmaputra River flows southwest via the Assam Valley, and south through Bangladesh, and emerges in the Ganges Delta , through the Meghna, and empties in the Bay of Bengal.

Alluvial fans appearance?

alluvial fan occurs when the gradient of a river bed decreases suddenly as when a river emerges from a mountain

What are large streams of water called?

A large stream of surface water is usually called a river. A river is freshwater and runs from high to low ground.

Is there any waterfall formed by river ganga?

Yes, the Ganges River forms a waterfall known as the Ganges Falls, also called the Gangotri Falls. It is located in Uttarakhand, India, near the town of Gangotri, where the Ganges River emerges from the Gangotri Glacier.

What is it called when a river rises and makes the ground good for growing crops?


What is it called when farmers water their fields with water from the ground of a river?

This is called irrigation - specifically it is "surface irrigation".

What is the high ground between two watersheds called?

The high ground between two watersheds is called a divide. This divide determines the direction in which water flows – whether it drains into one watershed or the other.

What is the low ground between two hills?

The low ground between two hills is called a valley.

The area where water drains into a river is called?

The area where water drains into a river is called its watershed or drainage basin. This refers to the entire land area that contributes water flow to a specific river or stream.