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Q: When alluvium accumulates as a long curving deposit of sediment on the inside of a stream meander it is called?
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What is alluvium and how is it used?

Alluvium is a deposit of sediment or soil carried and deposited by flowing water, often found near rivers, streams, and floodplains. It is used in agriculture to enrich soil fertility, in construction to make concrete, and in landscaping for creating natural-looking water features.

When does a glacier deposit the sediment it is carrying?

A glacier deposits sediment when it melts or retreats, leaving behind materials like rocks, sand, and mud. This sediment accumulates to form features like moraines, eskers, and outwash plains.

What does delta mean in cordillera?

In the context of a cordillera, delta refers to a triangular deposit of sediment that forms where a river flows into a body of water, such as a lake or the ocean. This sediment accumulates at the mouth of the river, creating a fan-shaped landform that extends into the water.

What word describes the deposit of mud from rivers?

Alluvium (noun), alluvial (adjective).

Does a glacier deposit sediment when it freezes?

Doesa glacier deposit sediment whenit freezes

Is it true or false that deposition occurs where the agents of erosion lay down sediment?

True. Deposition occurs when the agents of erosion, such as water, wind, or ice, deposit or lay down sediment that they have previously transported from one location to another. This sediment accumulates in new areas, forming landforms like deltas, beaches, or alluvial fans.

How do glaciers deposit sediment?

Its deposits sediment by picking the sediment up which is called plucking.(weathering)

What causes wind to deposit sand and or other sediment?

When the wind starts to slow down it starts to deposit sand or other sediment.

What is the synonym for deposit?

bank deposit, sediment, down payment, alluviation, dethronement, sedimentation, depositary, deposition, depository, deposit, repository

What is another name for a fan shaped deposit of sediment that form on dry land?

Depends on the environment and mode of deposition. I think that you're thinking of an alluvial fan.

Another word for sedament is?

dregs, lees, precipitate, deposit, grounds, residue, remains, silt, alluvium