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Q: What would happen to organism in the ocean if all protist dies?
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i don't think anything good or bag will happen to the other organism..

What would happen if an organism didn't have food and minerals?

it would die

What would happen to an organism if it didn't have a skeleton?

It would fall over..

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If an organism is taken out of a foodweb then it effects the whole web.

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What is the scientific classification for Prokaryotae?

a prokaryote is a multicellular organism. a eukaryote is an organism with only one cell. Scientific classificatin- archaebacteria, eubacteria, protist, plant, animal, fungi A prokaryote is another type of scientific classification, it describes an organism. An organism would be classified, and the fact that it is a prokaryote could help classify it, but you would not classify a "prokaryote".

What would happen if you put an animal cell in the ocean?

it would die due to everything in the ocean

What would happen if evaporation exceeded precipitation over the continents and ocean?

there would be no ocean anymore.

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What will happen to the organism to the heart?

It would cause heart attack

What would happen to a food chain if a new organism joined the ecosystem?

The food chain would expand, and the new organism would have new predators.