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We would all die cause trees give us oxygen and carbon dioxide.

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Everything except bacteria and their entailed viruses would die.

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DIE ☠️

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Q: What would happen to all living things if there were no trees?
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What will happen to living things if there were no trees?

everything would die because trees turn carbon dioxide in to oxagen

What would happen to living things if there were no trees?

We would all die cause trees give us oxygen and carbon dioxide.

What would happen if all the living things transformed into living things?

then the world would be the same

What would happen if maple trees stoped making seeds?

Many things would happen if Maple Trees stopped making trees. The main thing that would happen is, new Maple Trees would stop growing and eventually the species of trees could go extinct.Ê

What living things would be found in an oak forest?

Oak trees ;)

What will happen if living things will not produce?

Living things, that do not reproduce, would eventually die out and become extinct.

What would happen to the living things and non living things if the ecosystem destroyed?

of course they wil die lol....

What do you think would happen to living thing if there were no trees?

we well not get oxygen and all earth get die

What if there is no plants?

If no plants or trees were on Earth all living things would die after a while because plants produce oxygen which living things need to live.

What would happen if things living did not reproduce?

We would die out of age. And everything will come to a end.

What will happen if livings things will not produce?

Living things, that do not reproduce, would eventually die out and become extinct.

What would happen to squirrels if their wont be no sun on earth?

well like most living things,they would surely die out,the trees and plants would die thus they wouldn't support woodland creature's i.e squirrels etc . A strange question that i hope i answered for you