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Oxygen levels will decrease and species of animals will gradually disappear.

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Q: What would happen if the vast areas of forests are cleared?
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What would happen to the wild life if forests were cleared?

ecosystem=unbalanced, many organisms=dead

What is deforsation?

Did you mean: deforrestation? That would be the clearing by natual or man related of forrested areas.

What would happen if forests disappeared?

if the oxygen

What do you think might happen if humans were to continue to clear and burn vast areas of forests for building?

We would destroy are world and if we carry on with doing this we will destroy are world and are selves.

What would happen if there were no trees?

There would be no woods, forests and very little shade.

What would happen if most of the forests earth were cut down?

we would all die

Where is a wildfire most common?

Wildfires are most common in regions that experience hot and dry climates, such as Mediterranean climates, grasslands, savannas, and forests. These areas are more susceptible to wildfires due to the abundance of flammable vegetation and dry conditions that promote fire spread.

Which would happen if more forests where cut down?

the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would increase :)

What will happen if all the trees in the equatorial regions are cleared?

If all the trees in the equatorial regions are cleared then we would'nt get the bark of cinchona tree to cure malaria. We would not get rubber from the rubber trees.

What would happen if more forests are cut down?

the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would increase. apex

How many seasons are there in temperate deciduous forests?

If you were in a tropical rainforest, what would you expect to happen each afternoon

What would happen to the climate of the Amazon Basin if all the Rain Forests were converted to pasture land?

I think it would get f***** up