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We would see the single biggest die off of humans beings yet to date. With our population at its current level. We have around 3.6 billion people who rely on the ocean to supply them with fish, their main source of protein. If they all lose this vital protein they will could possibly lose over 3/4th of that population. That would be from 3,600,000,000 to around 48,000,000 people.

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14y ago

we would die

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Q: What would happen if fish died?
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well if the great barrier reef died then many of the fish would die to because the fish would not have food because the tropical fish mostly eat the reef and the other fish would die. AND IT WOULD BE ALL DEPRESSING DOWN UNDER!!!!!! TEE-HEE

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The fish will get sick and die.

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It would die. The ammonia would kill the fish if amounts were elevated.