It will turn into a giant star, explode, and turn into a nebula.
the sun will turn into a red giant and everything willl melt then we it will peacefully turn to a white dwarf.
The sun will burn off all its fuel and eventually turn into a big giant called the red giant. It will die in about 5 billion years.
All stars eventually turn into Red Giants or Super Giants
Yes, it'll eventually turn
The Sun will never turn into liquid nitrogen.
The Sun will not become a black hole or a neutron star. Instead, it will eventually transform into a white dwarf after it exhausts its nuclear fuel. This process will take billions of years.
Dying your hair isn't natural. But if you spend more time in the sun and use some dying products, your hair can eventually turn brown.
You need to get bitten by a vampire but manage to stay alive. Then you slowly turn into one and you start to have the hunger for blood and turn pale and become sensitive to the Sun etc. Then eventually, you just live your life as a vampire, feeding on people's blood.
You need to get bitten by a vampire but manage to stay alive. Then you slowly turn into one and you start to have the hunger for blood and turn pale and become sensitive to the Sun etc. Then eventually, you just live your life as a vampire, feeding on people's blood.
Yes.The sun will turn red.It is called a red giant by the way.
One turn around the sun is called a year.
it wont.