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Q: What were the differences between Northwest Coast and Great Basin Cultures?
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The Tarim Basin is an endothermic basin in northwest China occupying an area of about 906,500 km². Located in China's Xinjiang region, it is sometimes used synonymous to refer the southern half of the province, or Nanjiang. That is what Wikipedia said.

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The Tarim Basin is located in western China, primarily in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It is surrounded by the Tian Shan mountain range to the north and the Kunlun Mountains to the south.

What is the difference between a basin and a plain?

plains are very bad but basin are very good

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the great basin

What determines which drainage basin a person live in?

A drainage basin is simply an area between two ridges from which water drains as a stream or river. A small creek has its own drainage basin. The drainage basin of the Mississippi River includes everything between the Rocky Mountains and the Adirondacks.

What is the relationship between a stream and a drainage basin?

A stream discharges into a drainage basin. A drainage basin is a tract of land drained by a river and its tributaries

What region has the higher population density the great lakes region or the pacific northwest region?

great lakes region