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To sell in bottles, for fishing, boating, swimming, Surfing, sunbathing near the water, whale watching, sailing on a cruise shop, the possibilities are endless, only limited by imagination.

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Q: What water is used for in the tourism industry?
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What type of industry is tourism?

Generally speaking, tourism is a service industry.

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Industry involved with growth of tourism.

What is the function of transport operators in the tourism industry?

The function of transport operators in the tourism industry is to facilitate transportation of tourist from one location to another. This can be through road, air, rail or water.

What is the industry of tourism?

Exactly that, The Tourism industry. Tourism, international tourism industry is called, is by virtue of tourism resources andfacilities, expertise, or mainly engaged in soliciting and receiving tourists, providingtransportation, sightseeing, accommodation, dining, shopping, entertainment and other six aspects of the integrated industry. Tourism business to have three parts: tourism, transport and passenger transport to the hotel accommodation industryrepresented. They are the three pillars of the tourism industry.

What resources does mount Kilimanjaro provide for those that live near?

A tourism industry Pure water supplies :)

What does the term Pax stand for in the tourism industry?

PAX in the tourism industry is shorthand for passengers.

Why tourism is said to be smokeless industry?

Very interesting question.. Industry means the place which creat smoke after manufacturing a product. But tourism industry is not a product industry. tourism industry is service industry & service industry never can be smoke throwing. Travel agencies product is tour & to make a tour smoke does not take places, thus Tourism industry is smokeless industry.

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Tourism is Hawaii's major industry.

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The largest industry in the Maldives is the tourism industry