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Kemet is south of the Nile river delta

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Rubadubdub YT

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Q: What was the south of the Nile river delta?
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What is the south of the Nile River delta?

it was nubia

South of the Nile River delta?

Africa - Egypt

Does the Delta River have anything to do with the Nile River?

No - The Delta River is in the USA, the Nile River is in Africa.

What blocked the enemies boats to the far south of the Nile river?

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That means the delta of the Nile River.

What is the name of the marshy flatlands is found at the mouth of the Nile?

The Nile River Delta.

What is a river delta a result of what?

a river delta is the end of the river because the beginning of the river is called the mouth. and the nile delta is north unlike the other rivers that flow south. rivers are the same

The nile river flows in which direction?

In its delta - the Nile flows across the delta to the sea through two main distributaries, the Damietta to the east and the Rosetta on the western part of the delta. The Nile flows south to north. What is the one direction? you didn't answer that, did ya?

What was the marshy area of the Egypt?

Nile Delta

Is the Nile River in South Africa?

No. The Nile River travels northward, mostly through the Sudan and then Egypt, with its delta being on the Mediterranean Sea.

What do branches of the Nile river form?

A delta...known as the Nile Delta.