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the Mississippi River

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-Gibby :D

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Mississippi River

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the Mississippi river

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red river basin

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Q: What was the river that became western boundary of the US as a result of the American revolutionary war?
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What natural feature marked the western boundary of british territory in 1763?

The Appalachian Mountains became the western boundary of the British colonies.

What served as the western boundary of the US when Jefferson became president?

the Mississippi River

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Who became commander of the American troops during the Revolutionary War.?

benedict arnold

What is the outcome of the Revolutionary War?

The outcome of the American Revolutionary War was peace of Paris and American Independence. P.S. i am sum1 else and i just wanted to say that the outcome of the american revolutionary war was to have peace and being not controled by the british.

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No, the Oakland Athletics started as the Philadelphia Athletics in the newly formed American League in 1901. Western League became the American League in 1893.

What did john Adams do after the American Revolutionary War?

He became vice president for George Washington after the war then he became president from 1797-1801.

Latin American revolutionary who became economically and militarily dependent on the Soviet union?

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How did Anthony Wayne become famous?

He became famous by fighting as an American general in the revolutionary war.

What war did George Washington lead?

the American Revolutionary Warthe American relovetionhe became prientet in 1789-1797he died in december14,1799

How did the Revolutionary War turn out?

If you mean the American revolutionary war, the American colonists won, and became independent of the British Empire. The independence of America was not fully accepted by Britain until after the War of 1812, however, which was a kind of revolutionary war re-match.