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Oceanus Hopkins was born on the Mayflower during the Atlantic passage. Oceanus was born to Stephen Hopkins and his wife, Elizabeth sometime between boarding and arriving in the new land. He did not survive long. A girl was born while the ship was docked.

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Q: What was the name of the child born during the Atlantic passage of the Mayflower?
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What is the name of the child who was born during the Atlantic Passage of the Mayflower?


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Christopher Nichols, Richard Child, Thomas Short, and Christopher Jones owned the Mayflower.

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Christopher Nichols, Richard Child, Thomas Short, and Christopher Jones owned the Mayflower.

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Peregrine White was the first child born on the Mayflower, and he was born on November 20, 1620.

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What was the name of the child born on the mayflower?

Oceanus Hopkins and Peregrine White were born during the extended voyage of the Mayflower from September, 1620 to April, 1621, when they landed at Plymouth Rock.Oceanus Hopkins was born during the voyage from England to the Cape Cod anchorage, which lasted from September 6 to November 11, 1620. (Oceanus died in childhood.)Peregrine White was born aboard Mayflower in late November, 1620, during the winter anchorage (near present-day Provincetown Harbor). He is considered the first Pilgrim born in the New World.

What was the name of the child born while the mayflower was anchored in the harbor?

Peregrine White was born while the Mayflower was anchored in the harbor at Cape Cod. He was the first child born to the Pilgrims in America. Later in life, he became an important person in the Plymouth Colony.

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Christopher Nichols, Richard Child, Thomas Short, and Christopher Jones owned the Mayflower.