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The B-29. Michael Montagne It was the B-52 the saw limited acion in the Pacific but this mosters carried a lot of bombs. Oops!! NOT a B-52. It wasn't produced until late 1950's. Douglas XB-19 may not have been the heaviest but it was the LARGEST. This was an experimental bomber that sorta resembled the B-17 (shape and engines). It didn't go into production. The XB-19 had a wingspan of 212 feet and a maximum gross weight of 162,000 pounds. It was powered by four Wright R-3350-5 eighteen-cylinder air-cooled radials rated at 2000 hp. Each engine drove three-bladed constant-speed propellers. The XB-19 attained a maximum speed of 275 mph. Maximum bomb load was 37,100 pounds. It was physically the largest American aircraft built at that time and was to remain so until the Convair B-36 flew in 1946.

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