servants lived in filthy living conditions.
they lived with the animals.
they had no warmth so they used dogs to keep warm.
they also had to give most of their crops to knights, nobles and the King
it was a bummer
By using swords and stuff like that.
Nowadays, it is very old and crumbly, but it is safe to go inside.
absolutely crud
For A+ kids like me the answer month
hard and lame
shut up you bum
it was cold and damp and not that nice to live in
I'm not sure at the moment! Thant's why I came onto this website to have a look. Got to finish my independent learning challenge before I get back to school :) Nobody cares just like typing on the keybired ahahahahah
Life in a Castle was very uncomfortable and very gloomy luckily it was safe. Many things went on in a castle like Wheeling Barrels, looking after children,farming,training,cutting wood,making weapons,guarding... Etc