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Africa blew up.

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Q: What was happening in Africa during the time the panama canal was being built?
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What was happening in Africa at about the time the panama canal was being built?

European countries scrambled to claim colonies in Africa in the period of 1876-1914 which corresponds to the period during which the panama canal was being built.

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New ocean floor is being created, pushing the Americas away from Europe and Africa.

What are the diseases that came across Panama?

There were a couple of diseases that came across Panama while the canal was being constructed. Both Malaria and Yellow Fever were present during construction and were spread by mosquitos.

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Panama no longer has an army. After the USA captured Noriega for being a tyrant. Panama is protected by the USA and is controlled by city officials and police.

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Impossible to say without knowing the time period or act in question.

What are some of the products being imported by Panama?

Handbags and shoes.

Common jobs in Panama?

Being teachers and canal workers

What city in Africa is the world cup being held?

The World cup is being held in Johannesburg in South Africa.

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What is happening in the print in source is that various documents are being published.