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berries and trees

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Q: What types of berries are in Canadian forest?
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Related questions

Food types found in the Canadian Wilderness?

Berries,cranberries,and bark

Where are berries grown?

Acai berries grow naturally in the Amazon Rain Forest.

What do mice eat in the rain forest?

In the rainforest, mice will eat whatever they can forage for. This many include seeds, berries, and some types of insects.

What is a forest pie?

Forest Pie is a type of pie stuffed with forest fruits, eg. berries

What eats mice in the tropical rain forest?

In the rainforest, mice will eat whatever they can forage for. This many include seeds, berries, and some types of insects.

What does Sasquach eat?

people, and forest berries =]

When was Canadian Journal of Forest Research created?

Canadian Journal of Forest Research was created in 1971.

What is the greatest threat to Canadian forest?

forest fires

Where are the routes Pokemon LeafGreen berries?

none. use the itemfinder in multiple locations in berry forest to find berries.

How do you find berries in white forest?

use a dowsing machine

What do black bears eat while in the temperate forest?


Where to find lots of berries in FireRed?

In the berry forest, use your itemfinder. Berry forest is on island 3.