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this is what we have in northern MN Cattails, arrowheads, horsetails, marsh marigold, iris and black spruces. once you get to the bogs. pitcher plant, sundew, orchids, Labrador tea and cranberries.

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13y ago

your mom lives as a tree in the wetlands.

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Q: What type of plants live in wetlands?
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What plants live in forested wetlands?

MULTIPLE different plants do live in wetlands including cattalils, tall grass, and others that absorb water.

What type of plants are in the wetlands?

Freefloating and submerged aquatic plants.

What plants live in the wetlands biome?

Saw Grass

Who blugrass lives?

blugrass is a type of grass that live neat wetlands such as estuary's. blugrass is a type of grass that live neat wetlands such as estuary's.

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They live in Swamps.

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Anacondas live in the wetlands

Where do saigas live?

Saiga Antelope's live in wetlands and places where there are lots of poisonous plants!

What herbivores live in the wetlands?

Yes, herbivores are organisms that eat plants.

What type of snails live in wetlands?

the wet ones

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the wet ones

What type of wildlife would be attracted in the wetlands?

plants, fish, birds and insects

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