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lake balkhash and the aral sea

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Lake onega

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Q: What two saltwater lakes are south of ural mountains?
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What mountains run north and south from part of the Europe Asia border?

the Ural Mountains

Which physical feature is south of the Ural Mountains?

The Caspian Sea is located south of the Ural Mountains.

Is the Ural mountains on the south border of Europe?

No. The Ural Mountains form the eastern border of Europe.

Which two salt water lakes are located south of the ural mountains?

Aral Sea and Caspian Sea.

What mountains run north to south Russia?

The Ural Mountains.

What mountains run north and south through Russia?

Ural Mountains it runs approximately from north to south through western Russia, from the coast of the Arctic Ocean to the Ural River. Hope this helped

Is Ukraine west of the ural mountains?

No, Ukraine is located southwest of the Ural Mountains. The Ural Mountains run north to south, separating the European and Asian parts of Russia. Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe.

Which low mountains extend from north to south and separate Europe from Asia?

The Ural Mountains

Are the Ural mountains in china?

Yes. the Ural Mountains run north-south through Russia.

What country is the ural mountains located?

The Ural Mountains are located in Russia, running north to south for about 2,500 km (1,550 miles) and separating the European and Asian parts of the country.

What is the mountain range in Russia that divides Europe and Asia?

The Ural Mountains; in Russian: Уральские горы

Which two mountain ranges seperste Europe and Asia?

The Ural Mountains and the Caucasus Mountains separate Europe and Asia. The Ural Mountains run north-south through western Russia, while the Caucasus Mountains stretch between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.