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Many factors and conditions, including sunlight, stable temp and salinity, lower water pressure, and well oxygenated water.

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Q: What two conditions account for thr great variety of organisms in the neritic zone?
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What two conditions account for the great variety of organism in the neritic zone?

Many factors and conditions, including sunlight, stable temp and salinity, lower water pressure, and well oxygenated water.

What factors allow the neritic zone to support a rich variety of organisms?

The neritic zone is characterized by shallow waters, abundant sunlight, and nutrient-rich waters, which support photosynthesis. This zone also benefits from the mixing of nutrients from coastal upwelling and tidal currents, providing a productive environment for a diverse range of organisms, including phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish, and marine mammals.

Why is the neritic zone rich in living things?

The neritic zone is rich in living things because it receives abundant sunlight, allowing for photosynthesis to occur and support a diverse range of plant and algae life. This, in turn, provides food and habitat for a variety of marine animals such as fish, mollusks, and crustaceans, leading to a thriving ecosystem.

What is a neritic zone ecosystem?

A huge variety of organisms are found here. The shallow water over the continental shelf receives sunlight and a steady supply of nutrients washed from the land into the ocean. Kelp forests and Coral reefs.

When a species includes organisms with a wide variety of traits it is most likely that this species will have?

a greater chance to survive if the environmental conditions suddenly change.

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an organisms

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Different conditions support different organisms.

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Not all organisms do eat a variety of foods.

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How do the unique environmental conditions of deep sea vents influence the biodiversity and genetic adaptations of organisms living in this extreme habitat?

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Kingdom Animalia is the taxonomic classification group that contains the greatest or widest variety of organisms.

Which of these classification groups includes the greatest variety of organisms?

The kingdom classification group includes the greatest variety of organisms. It is the broadest and most inclusive group that encompasses all living organisms, from bacteria to plants to animals.

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