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the trees that live in the forests are :


(all seed packets are $3.00 each)

Amber Tree (hymenaea courbaril)

A very ambitious plant with most attractive emerald-green heart shaped leaves. Abundant white flowers, measuring over 1" (2.5 cm) across. The tree is most famous for producing the resin that, when fossilized, is the source of neoteopics amber.

Balsawood Tree (ochroma pyramidale)

This medium sized tree produces heart-shaped leaves and large white flowers, as well as an extremely light, soft wood that is used for rafts and model airplane frames.

Calabash Tree (crescenta cujete)

Stout tree that can be used to make an interesting bonsai. The greenish yellow flowers are marked with purple veins which are followed by hard-shelled fruits that are dried to make maracas and other crafts.

Cancer Tree, Tree of Life (camptotheca acuminata)

Many cancer fighting drugs have been produced from this tree, two of which (Topotecan for ovarian and small lung cancers and Irinotecan for colorectal cancer) have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Cashew Nut (anacardium occidentale)

A small evergreen tree that produces a fruit which resembles an apple, then develops a seed or cashew nut at the bottom. The double shell contains a skin irritating toxin similar to poison ivy. The cashew nut is edible and the "apple" can be eaten raw or made into chutney, jam or various beverages including a distilled liquor.

Chime Tree (albizia guachapele)

A very comely tree with gentle foliage. Flowers are yellow and produced in clusters. Fruit is bean-like and when it dries on the plant it rattles, like a melodious chime, with the slightest movement of wind.

Daffodil Tree (thevetia peruviana)

An attractive small evergreen tree that produces yellow bell-shaped flowers off and on throughout the year. This beautiful fast growing tree can also be pruned for use as a shrub if desired. Also known as Lucky Nut.

Emerald Ebony (jacaranda mimosaefolia)

An attractive tree with lacy bright green leaves that does exceptionally well as a houseplant. Grows large erect clusters of 2" (5 cm) Trumpet-shaped lavender blue flowers with delicate silky petals that produce year round.

Fern Tree (schizolobium parahybum)

This fast growing, tall, slender tree produces unique fern-like fronds and is great for shade. It is easy to grow, produces large golden yellow flowers and is also known as the Brazilian fire tree.

Forest Blaze (spathodea campanulata)

A spectacularly showy tree with glorious foliage. Bright crimson 4" (10 cm) unique looking flowers with yellow frilled edges. Most fascinating. The light wood is used for making native drums in many South American countries.

Forest Flame (delonix regia)

By far one of the tropical world's most beautiful plants. It is acclaimed as the queen of the forest. Like a big umbrella, it bursts into dense clusters of large scarlet-red flowers with a most eye pleasing mellow yellow tinge. A must inside any home!

Forest Lilac (gliricidia sepium)

An ornamental tree often used to shade young cocoa plants in the tropics. Produces pretty pink flowers in cluster form. Natives of the area use the juice from the leaves as a natural cure for baldness.

Forest Passion (bombacopsis quinatum)

This hardy tree is similar to a cedar tree in looks and its durable wood is used in construction. The tree has a unique thorny trunk and produces edible white flowers followed by fig-like fruits.

Gold Rush Tree (cassia fistula)

A small tropical with graceful foliage. It produces scented flowers of golden yellow that cascade downward from the branches. A very easy to grow tropical for indoor or outdoor use. Another of the cassia species that is known for it's medicinal purposes.

Golden Goddess (tabebuia chrysantha)

Few plants in the tropical world surpass this tree for beauty when in bloom. Masses of yellow flowers crowd its branches, obscuring the leaves, a most eye catching sight, making the plant one of the most desirable ornamentals.

Golden Mimosa (acacia baileyana)

A small to medium-sized shrub or tree with silvery green leaves and masses of yellow flowers. Very pretty. Bark is smooth and gray/brownish. Fast grower.

Japanese Maple (acer palmatum)

A beautiful attractive maple reaching 15'-25' with numerous leaves deeply 5-9 lobed turning from green to gold to crimson in the spring time. The fall foliage develops a more vivid color. May also be grown as a bonsai.

Lemon Eucalyptus (eucalyptus citriodora)

This lemon scented evergreen tree produces a sweet manna-like substance that is scraped off the leaves and eaten. The leaves also yield a lemon-scented essential oil that is often used in perfumes, potpourri and for medicinal purposes such as for the relief of coughs, colds, sore throats and other infections.

Lipstick Tree (bixa orellana)

An attractive tree with large jade green leaves and heart shaped fruit. Dazzling round fuzzy flowers hang in neat clusters. The seeds are crimson and are used as a natural coloring agent. The dye is used in cheese, margarine, candy, chocolate, cloth, lipstick and soap.

Love Tree (bauhinia alba)

Romance is what this tree is about. It is fabled to bestow love upon the beholder. In many countries of the tropical world, people believe the heart-shaped leaves and the orchid-like flowers herald a happy marriage.

Mahogany (swietenia macrophylla)

This medium sized tree produces a fruit commonly called "sky fruit" as they appear to grow upward from the tree. The pear shaped fruits are often sold as a natural remedy to improve blood circulation and skin, and are also said to have Viagra like qualities regarding erectile dysfunction. Wood from the tree is also harvested for use in furniture.

Miracle Tree (leucaena leucocephala)

A very fast growing tree with mimosa type leaves. It is destined to fame because it flowers year round since seasonal day-light change does not bother it. That makes it an exceptional plant for the indoors.

Mother Tree (erythrina berteroana)

A small tree with striking foliage. Large flowers are deep red and very showy. In many parts of the tropics this evergreen is used to shade (mother) coffee, cocoa and vanilla plants. A very easy ornamental to grow.

Mother of Cacao (gliricidia sepium)

Provides shade in cacao plantations for developing "chocolate trees". Mimosa type foliage and delicate pink and white butterfly-like flowers. In Latin American countries the leaves are sometimes ground up and combined with water to make a insect repellant.

Naked Tree (erythrina fusca)

A very showy ornamental with bright scarlet flowers that appear upright on the branch tips. It gets it's name from the habit of blooming for about 2 months before the leaves come in.

Orchid Tree (bauhinia sp.)

An extraordinary small tree. The heart shaped emerald green leaves are leathery and most pleasing to the eye with their alluring shimmer. Elegant 2" (5 cm) flowers are shades of purple and resemble a prized orchid.

Palo Verde (parkinsonia aculeata)

Also known as Jerusalem Thorn, this lovely tree produces wispy green foliage and delicate yellow leaves. It provides light, filtered shade and is well suited for informal landscapes and for use in cactus or succulent gardens.

Pink Princess (euodia elleryana)

An unusual regal-looking tree possessing great beauty. It has very lustrous bright green leaves. Produces an abundance of pink-red flowers that stay on the branches for many weeks. A very desirable houseplant.

Pink Shower (tabebuia rosea)

This small tree produces large pink flowers in dense clusters. Its wood is used for furniture, decking and other outdoor uses, while the bark is said to have medicinal properties. Very popular with hummingbirds and honey bees.

Purple Trumpet (tabebuia impetiginosa)

A wonderful small tree that is related to the flame vine and jacaranda tree. Its masses of purple trumpet flowers are very eye catching. Sometimes loses all of its leaves prior to blooming.

Rain Tree (samanea saman)

This beautiful crowned tropical tree is known as the species that the Swiss family Robinson built their massive tree house in. As an indoor ornamental it adds a real tropical flavor and grows rather large in a short time. The beautiful dainty light green leaves, close at night or in a sudden downpour of rain. It flowers pink tipped tufts from spring to fall.

Red Sandalwood Tree (adenanthera pavonina)

A medium to large size tree, this beautiful ornamental produces ornate red seeds that are used as beads. Although toxic when raw, the seeds are cooked and eaten in some countries. Red dye can be made from the tree and the wood is often used in cabinet making.

Royal Poinciana (delonix regia)

Also known as "queen of the forest", the scarlet flowers of this tree burst into color over its umbrella-like form. Often referred to as the most colorful tree in the world, this specimen is commonly used as a bonsai plant.

Sacred Lilac (melia azedarach)

A spreading tree with handsome foliage. Clusters of fragrant 1" pale lavender flowers with purple stamens. The fruit is berrylike, ranging in color from beige to brown. An extract from the seeds is used as a natural insecticide.

Silk Cotton Tree a.k.a. Kapok (bombax malabaricum)

Among the largest trees in the American tropics, they bear beautiful red flowers that mature into husks containing a fiber similar to cotton or kapok. The tree can reach 30 to 40 meters tall and three meters wide. The fibers are often used as insulation, stuffing for life preservers and in pillows and mattresses.

Sun Siren (eucalyptus woodwardi)

A most alluring tree with silk-smooth gray trunk and very pretty bright green egg-shaped leaves. Quite a magnificent sight to behold when in bloom. Huge masses of golden orange flowers. A must as a houseplant.

Tart Date (tamarindus indica)

A beautiful ancient dome shaped tree that can live up to 200 years. Beautiful fern type leaves. Adapts well to being raised in a pot. Proven to be richer in sugar content than any other fruit in nature, the fruit from the tree is similar to a tart date and is used in confectionaries. It is also used also in the flavoring of chutney.

Teakwood (tectona grandis)

Teak is prized for its timber which is commonly used in outdoor furniture, boat decks and other items that require weather resistance, as well for indoor flooring. The wood is extremely durable, even when not finished with oil or varnish.

Tropical Almond (terminalia catappa)

Large tropical tree grows up to 90' and produces nutty fruits that taste very much like commercially grown almonds. The fallen leaves are also used for medicinal purposes in many countries to treat such ailments as liver related diseases, sickle cell disorders and sexual inadequacies.

Tropical Cedar (cedrela odorata)

Aromatic timber tree with buttressed base and smooth trunk. Wide-spreading branches produce attractive yellow flowers are followed by leathery fruit. Reddish heartwood is used in making fancy cigar boxes.

Wedding Tree (stemmadenia donnell-smithi)

A medium-size tree with perfectly round leaves. All parts of the plant have an abundance of latex which is processed into natural glue. The large yellow flowers are produced in eye-filling clusters.

Ylang Ylang Perfume Tree (cannanga odorata)

Charming small tree with soft foliage. The large clusters of bright yellow flowers, with lazily drooping petals, are extremely fragrant. They are the source of a very valuable oil used in the manufacture of expensive perfumes.

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